
Showing posts from 2014

The LASIK Experience: one month later

It's now been over a month since I've had my operation. The eyedrop regimen is over, although I still occasionally put in a few on occasion to soothe my eyes when they get dry. Not being allowed to rub my eyes is as maddening as ever, and I do it anyways (lightly) from time to time. On my last visit, it was confirmed that I now have 20/20 vision. My right eye still has a bit of scarring that should heal over the next few months, resulting in cleaner vision. I took a medicine ball to the face today, so I need to go in tomorrow to make sure it didn't cause any damage to my eyes. Overall, I feel pretty good about the whole thing. I still attempt to adjust my nonexistent glasses from time to time. Looking back at old pictures of myself feels strange; my face looks much more natural without glasses. Would I recommend the operation? Probably, with a few caveats: -Don't do it if you can't afford it. It's not worth going in debt for. -If you can already fun

The LASIK experience

Warning: This post has virtually nothing to do with video games. Some time around the age of 10, it was decided for me that I had to wear glasses. Between that time and today, I decided getting my eyes fixed via laser was a good idea. I finally went through with it and I figured it would make an interesting blog post. Glasses are a mild annoyance; they're fairly un-invasive, but they start getting in the way as soon as you start doing anything physical, anything involving water or anything that can end with you getting punched in the face. The idea of contacts never appealed to me; something about sticking a piece of plastic onto  your eyeball freaked me out. Getting bits of your eye burned off by a laser seemed like a much more palatable solution. I liked that it was a permanent solution; glasses break, contacts get lost, but it's very hard to undo laser surgery. I also liked that it removed a material dependancy; suddenly I didn't rely on a tiny piece of plastic t